Monday, May 31, 2010

?E?-Street: #1

Introducing a brand new feature highlighting the personal styles of peers from across the nation: ?E?-Street

The brand-new ?E?-Street feature targets dope individuals that are seen on the street based on their attitude, fashion, talents, etc.

I was on the Red Line coming from the South Side of Chicago on the way to Oak St. beach downtown when ?E?-Street's very first feature boarded my car and sat in the seat across from me.

Name: Dimress

Age: 17

Spotted in: Chicago, IL

School: Kenwood Academy High School

The two of us started talking when I complimented her attire. What initially caught my attention were the buttons donning her denim vest, as I am an avid button pin collector myself.

She cross her legs at her ankles while she talked, tapping her Minnetonka-like flats against the floor while we gabbed about clothes, formalities, blogs, and poetry. Later I discovered that we had mutual friends in the city, something that shouldn't be surprising but always is.

Perhaps what I loved most about Dimress' outfit were her miss-matched earrings. On the side of her head where her bang was cheated Dimress wore a large Miller Genuine Draft bottle-cap fashioned like a button-earring. On the other, framing her face and balancing her look perfectly, a paperclip holding what appeared to be a mug shot of some character unknown to me.

More attractive than the outfit and confidence Dimress exuded while rocking it was her down-to-earth attitude. I myself was nervous to approach her, but we drifted in and out of casual conversation fairly easily.

Dimress Inspired Trends for Summer (or forever):
+ quirky accessories
+ a grounded persona

Be BOLD! One-of-a-kind items are always in-style, and imagine the pride taken in knowing that no one else has them? But remember: always confident, never cocky.

Signing out:
SYDkidd on ?E?

PS -Do you know a fashionista, sneakerfiend, artist, musician, or all around dope person YOU want to be featured on ?E?-Street's next post? If so, e-mail with information on the person including your name, the person's first name, age, city, and school/profession as well as any other added information. Pictures are encouraged. If the ?E? team approves, you or your friend will make the next ?E?-Street post!